Cool & Dre On Social Media And News

Jessie Maguire and Cool & Dre talk further about their creative direction, the power of new media, and their role in providing relevant non-entertainment news to fans and followers.

“I’m engaged and there are so many things that I feel effect the community and our people that I feel as though I can break it down them in a way that they can understand, ya know.  They might not be able to understand a Chris Matthews or Rachel Maddow, but I can kick it to them in a way to where it makes sense to them.”

While I applaud Cool & Dre’s attempt to discuss something besides their own musical projects, insulting the intelligence and critical thinking skills of your fans and followers is probably not the best way to explain an approach to social media.  Add in the fact that Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews may not be ideal sources for accurate, balanced, and reliable news and analysis, and it further drives home the point that entertainers should stick to entertaining.

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